Mrs. Nobelungu Tindleni’s husband paid lobola for her on the 11th of December 2017. After the lobola was paid, she started making plans for a white wedding. On the 13th of June 2018, Mrs. Tindleni fell while she was crossing the road. Immediately after that incident, her hands became dysfunctional. They became very painful such that she could not do much with them, she struggled to bath herself and to do house chores. She also realized that her mind was not functioning normally. She could not think properly and she would forget things easily. Mrs. Tindleni took pain medication for the painful hands but it did not help her. She put her wedding plans on hold since she could not do much with her hands.
In July 2018, Mrs. Tindleni heard of Unity Fellowship Church and visited the church on the 13th of July 2018. During the service, Mrs. Tindleni gave her Isaac Sacrificial Offering. As she placed the offering in the offering basket, she started feeling like something was coming out of her. Soon after that she felt like her head was clear. Her mind started functioning normally since then and she stopped forgetting things. She got herself the UBN Holy Anointing Oil and started using it on a regular basis. She also kept attending services at Unity more regularly. Within a few weeks she was completely healed. She stopped feeling pain on her hands and started doing things for herself as her hands were working properly.
Secondly, sometime in 2019, Pastor Mukhuba announced a mass wedding celebration at Unity Fellowship Church and invited those who were interested in getting married or renewing their vows to register. Mrs. Tindleni also registered. In December 2019, Mrs. Tindleni finally got to wear her white gown which she never thought she would wear as a result of her injuries.
Thirdly, Mrs. Tindleni comes from a poverty stricken background. She had to start working at a young age to pay for her high school fees and take care of her necessities. After completing matric she started working and tried to pursue a tertiary qualification via correspondence. However, every time she registered she would lose interest and quit the course. This happened three times with three different institutions.
In 2019, Pastor Mukhuba frequently spoke about how she went to school and emphasised the importance of education. She also encouraged the congregants who did not go to school to study further and get their qualifications. Mrs. Tindleni took this word personally and enrolled for a Certificate in Business Management at a college. She also got herself UBN Fire Pens which she used to write her exams. While she was writing, the UBN Pen was just flowing through the answering sheets as she was able to answer all the questions, even the ones that seemed difficult. She managed to pass all her modules and she graduated on the 9th of December 2020, Glory to Jesus!
Child of God, if you need to speak to a UBN Counsellor, we are here for you and available 24 hours. You can contact the UBN Call Centre on +2776 990 0391 / +27765525312 for prayers and counselling.